Sunday, September 2, 2012

Quick recap...nothing too exciting :)

Quick recap of the week/weekend because I still have more to say even though I already had two entries last night!  September is shaping up to be pretty productive so far but I'm sure it's short lived.  

Wednesday we went to the famous Chamorro Village which is a little market in Agana filled with amazing Chamorro BBQ, Asian food, a coconut crab on a leash, and little stands with sun dresses and knick knacks.   I got some BBQ on a stick, red rice and lumpia which is basically an egg roll.  The goal was to hit the gym once we left but I gorged myself and I'm pretty sure people were staring because I felt like Jabba the Hut while I was shoveling red rice into my mouth.  It was glorious, gratifying and I'm pretty sure I ate my entire calories for the day in that sitting.  

Thursday, I made four new personal records at the gym, including my very first 140 pound deadlift so that made me feel like a badass.  Of course, I couldn't walk or get up from peeing for two days but who's counting?

Friday was the command picnic where I neglected sunscreen because it was overcast.  Some people just don't learn and I happen to be one of them.  On top of not being able to move from the gym, I also found it rather difficult to wear clothing because of my lobster like qualities.

Saturday we had a BBQ with the flight doc and the other guys that do the same job as Zach.  It was a lot of fun, the food was good and I made sure not to overeat this time.  It was difficult because the brisket was beyond amazing.  

Sunday was Zach's very first day of standing duty and I kind of like it because it gives us an excuse to stay home.  So we went to Home Depot to get paint and do some projects around the house.  I cleared my beautiful garden out because the rain had made it no so beautiful.  It has killed everything except for the basil which has refused to die.  I think I am going to give my basil a name.  William Wallace.  It's taking over so I am going to harvest all that I have and cut it down.  I also had to cut down my beloved tomato plants.  Extremely depressing.  

That about sums it up.  

Riley Writes

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