Oh Henry. Oh Hannah.
If you haven't read the "What a Messy House" post or you don't know me, then you wouldn't know that I have two fur children that I cherish and like a lot better than most people. To me, they are exactly like my children. I feed them, I bathe them, I love them and teach them things like fetch, "Go Tell Daddy", sit, stay and "Get Me a Beer." (The last has been rather unsuccessful) I love their individual personalities that shine through and the fact that they hate being without one another. I also put them in time out from time to time when I either need a break, or they've been bad. Which is why they're in timeout right now. Generally they don't know they've been bad because their dogs. They just think it's nap time or we're leaving the house.
Today, my darling little 6 month old Hannah was stalking a fly on the wall. They both do this quite often so it's not something I'm unused to. Henry is notorious for trying to catch flies at the sliding glass door. Many an afternoon I have spent watching him run head first into the slider, worried it was going to shatter with the force he was running into it at. So like I said, nothing I'm not used to.
I was watching Hannah as her cute little head went back and forth following the fly and it's flight pattern. The fly then sealed his own fate by landing on the wall. In the blink of an eye, she jumped at least a foot and a half off the ground and the fly disappeared. I was unsure if she had caught it but her refusal to let me open her mouth said it all. I watched her prance proudly around the house, excited and happy at her latest catch. Then, she spit it onto the floor and in an instant, Henry bent down to eat it.
Within seconds after that event, I saw one more fly disappear at the paws of my sweet little Hannah. Again, she wouldn't let me open her mouth and ran to her favorite hiding spot where she chews/eats things she isn't supposed to. Henry tried a few times but he isn't as fast and agile as our spastic little lady. Not that he hasn't caught any, on the contrary, he's caught quite a few. He just prefers a different method.
Today has been different as it has been a lot of thunder and lightening with a side of torrential downpour. The pups were going absolutely bonkers so I decided to put them in their safe place for a while, just until the roaring stopped. Hannah does this thing where she jumps up and down all crazy at the slider and a few times, has locked me out of the house. Luckily, Zach has always been home so I don't have to go around to the front door....but that option is always there. She also occasionally jumps up and down at the front door if one of us goes outside. Today, Hannah went a little crazy and was jumping and barking at the thunder and lightening at the back door, like she always does and she locked it....like she always does. I didn't actually think anything of it because it's so frequent.
Do do do do dooo, I'm cleaning out the fridge and filling up the trash with all sorts of unsavory leftovers of meals past. La la la la laaaa, time to take the trash out even though it's pouring down raaaaain! I load up the trash, put my cute little polka dotted rainboots on and make my way to the carport. It's a process that takes about 15-30 seconds and all the while, I can hear Hannah inside, barking and jumping up and down.
That's when the unthinkable happens.
I walk back to the door in my white tank top without a bra on (because I can do that when I don't leave the house), my adorable little sweats that are tucked into my rain boots (hearing my attire is necessary for you to understand the following events) annnnnd the door is locked. Hannah, in her jumping frenzy, hit the lock button on the door knob. Seriously. I couldn't make this up.
After about 15 minutes of enlisting my neighbor for help to open some windows that were all locked (which makes me feel safe I suppose), I ran over to another neighbors and called my husband who didn't answer his phone. Luckily for me, he called them back and said I could go to the squadron to get his key. He tells my neighbor to call him when we get there so I don't have to come inside.
Of course, you know the call didn't go through. I had to walk into the squadron and wouldn't you know it, there were about ten people up front hanging out, you know, to see me in all my soaked pajama/rain boots /wet stringy haired glory. I could see the disbelief in everyone's eyes when I told them what had happened. Lucky for me, one lady was kind enough to escort me to Zach's office (because I didn't have an identification to prove who I was and I generally don't need my ID to take the trash out.).
I must say, I was pretty impressed that the world hadn't collapsed, there were no pee spots and not a single item was chewed up by the time I got home. They were so very happy to see me, it made me giggle.
Just a day in the life eh?
Riley Writes
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