Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Paleo Chicken Pot Pie Recipe

I've been craving me some good ol' fashioned home cooking.  Basically, chicken pot pie.  I love chicken pot pie, it's always held a special place in my heart, the crust, the yummy goodness on the inside and the homey feeling it evokes.  It makes you think of your mother or grandmother.  Or in my case, my aunt and my roommate.  They would make the most delicious chicken pot pie ever.  Maybe it was because it was made with love or laced with can never be sure.

If you follow this blog occasionally or read my Facebook, you'll know that recently, I've been at war with grains, processed foods and a few other things here and there.  I call it a war because a war is made of battles...and I battle every. single. day.  You probably think I'm joking but let me tell you what...there was a lot of Halloween candy at the commissary today and I accidentally missed breakfast.  Long story short, I'm a candy junkie and a sucker (pun intended) for pastas and breads.

Back to the chicken pot pie.  I scavenged Pinterest as I always do for last minute recipes, I stumbled across tons of paleo chicken pot pie recipes but couldn't decide because they were all labor intensive and I'm incredibly lazy.  I found this one at and was all "I can totally do this!"  Then I read that it takes about two hours and was all "Hahahahhahaha nope."  In the end and after much internal debate, I decided to stick with it because I was really hungry and really wanted chicken pot pie.

If you've looked at the recipe, you would have noted that it makes 8 individual pies.  We don't need 8 servings, especially since there is just two of us.  Also, I hate coconut milk.  It's a staple in the paleo world but I just can't stand it.  So in my head, I thought "Gee, I can modify this and make it work probably more than likely.  Should I still do it? What if I don't put the coconut milk in it? Do I want to do this?  Yeah, I really want to used my new knife set to chop shit up like a boss."

I baked the pot pie in a 9x13 pan because even though I act like an adult (sporadically), I don't have as many baking pans as I should.

You can look at the recipe on the link.  I made a few substitutions and whatnot so I'll list what I did here.

2 cups almond flour/almond meal (same thing)
1/3 cup coconut oil
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon of water
1 teaspoon sea salt, I used mine from a grinder but also, I didn't measure it.  I eyeball it because...I have an eyeball to do so.
1 egg -  for the egg wash.

- You're supposed to pulse the dry ingredients, then gradually add the coconut oil which should still be in it's solid form.  After all that's said and done, add your tablespoon of water gradually.  Except mine wasn't gradual, because I'm a rebel on a time crunch.  Then wrap it up in some saran wrap and store it in the fridge until you're ready to use it.

1 whole white/yellow onion chopped
4 carrots chopped into however you feel like doing it
1/3 bell pepper chopped
1 can of low sodium broth - you're supposed to make your own according to the recipe that you most definitely read but I made some once and it was awful so I used a can. Whatevs, I'm busy. < Facebooking and whatnot.
2 chicken breasts
1 teaspoon or tablespoon of olive oil
Salt & Pepper

I baked my boneless, skinless chicken breasts at 350 until about 145  Except, right before, I realized that I had still left the overnight oven cleaner in the oven for about a week.  We had to take a short time out to scrub it so naturally, that added to my estimated time.  After all that was said and done I started the chicken.  While that was baking, I sauteed the onions until they were translucent.  After that, I added the carrots and bell peppers into the pan with the onions and added the broth.  Boiled that for a bit until the chicken was done, chopped the chicken, added that to the pan and added some almond meal to thicken it up.  It didn't get thick like a regular pot pie, I boiled away most of the liquid so it was somewhat of a soup consistency.

I added it all to the baking pan, then utilized the handsome studly man I married to help me roll out the crust between two pieces of wax paper and flipped it onto the filling.  There was no bottom crust but I was surprised at how much I didn't care.  I slathered the egg onto the crust and put it in the oven at 350 and kept it in there until the crust browned.

It was delicious and even the husband said so.  I will definitely be making it again.

Happy eating!
Riley Writes

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