Saturday, August 24, 2013

I drink wine because tomato soup and dogs.

Okay ladies and gents, I've decided to bestow another yummy delicious and clean recipe upon you.  Tomato soup happens to be one of my favorite soups, next to my grandmothers potato soup and the potato soup from Chili's.

Also, I decided to write this right away because if I don't, I'll probably have a Hannah Handbag.  I'm 99.9% positive she peed on the carpet because the little asshole doesn't like to go outside.  To be honest, I'm beginning to think she's the culprit behind a lot of things.  As well as a Henry area rug because someone has a penchant for mommy's underwear...only instead of hoarding it like he normally does (I can find anywhere from 1-5 pairs in his kennel at any given time), he decided to shred this pair into little shards.  Seriously.  He's outside right now for the 23495th time today.  And he's sitting at the door staring, he's been outside for less than 5 minutes.  I feel like they both need shirts that they can parade around in saying "I'm the reason Mommy likes wine."  Christmas gift, think about it.  Oh and also since we're talking Christmas gifts, I can always use wine.

Back to the recipe.  So in reading that super awesome book Sugar Salt Fat or whichever order that goes in, I got to reading about the sugar content in well, everything.  Long story short, read the book and be amazed.  So naturally, this includes canned soup.  Nothing reminds me of home more than eating tomato soup and grilled cheese which my dad was amazing at making.  It's been a staple in my life for years.  So naturally, I'd want to find and make a healthier version.  I scoured Pinterest for recipes as well as Google and a couple other places.  Basically, tomatoes, onions garlic, salt, pepper, oregano and whatever else you feel like throwing in there.  I decided to share my recipe because me being me, I look at most recipes and think "Eh....I don't need this, I can figure it out my own."

Sometimes it's awesome, other times it's utterly disastrous.  Then Zach says something along the lines of "Did you actually read the directions all the way through this time?"  And I respond by rolling my eyes and saying "Who do you think I am?  Of course I read the directions."  But by directions, I really mean ingredients so about 15-20 minutes in to whatever it is I'm making...there's an obligatory "F*$%ing ghatdamnit!"  Then without missing a beat Zach says something like "I told you to read the recipe, that's your karma for lying to me about it."

How does he know?!

Tomato Soup!

  • 5-6 tomatoes (I prefer on the vine since I'm in Guam and that's the best I can get but beefsteak or roma would probably be ideal).  If you're using those other ones, adjust accordingly to size. Roughly three pounds of tomato
  • 1 carton cherry tomatoes
  • 1 carton grape tomatoes
  • 1 sweet onion
  • Olive Oil
  • 4 cloves of minced or crushed garlic
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • Vegetable or Chicken broth.  This is optional.  I've made it with and without, but I just made some awesome veggie broth and wanted to use it.  
  • Oregano, I dunno, a tablespoon or so?  Whatever works for you.
  • Basil  - optional
So, I cut my tomatoes into quarters and de-seeded them with a spoon.  This is optional.  I didn't do it last time, it really made no difference.  I cut my cherry and grape tomatoes in half, no need to remove those seeds, that's tedious and I'm lazy.  Then I chopped the onion up into pieces and laid it all out on a baking sheet covered in foil.  Once again, I'm lazy, less clean up.  

I preheated the oven to 350, drizzled olive oil and minced garlic on top of the tomatoes and onions.  

Popped it in the oven til the tomatoes were mushy and onions were turning translucent.   It took about an hour because there were a lot of tomatoes on that baking sheet.  I turned them over a few times.  Purely preference.  Then I realized after I forgot to season it so I put the salt, pepper and oregano on there, let it cook for another 15 minutes until the juices were starting to pool at the bottom. 

After this was all done, I threw it in the food processor to make the chunks smaller.  It's really all about what you prefer.  After that, I added it to my pot, added my vegetable stock (about 16 ounces if I remember correctly) and turned it on to boil.  After it started boiling, I put it on low to simmer and basically forgot about it because I had other stuff to do like play Candy Crush and take Henry in and out and in and out and in and out.

We paired our soup with our balsamic/Jack Daniels marinated steak I found on Pinterest (of course).  The final product was delicious.  Last time I made it, I threw some brats in there for added was perfect as was tonight's dinner.  I highly recommend it.

Happy Eating! 

Riley Writes

P.S  You can follow me on Pinterest by going here:

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