So just imagine how excited I am that I visited the library today! And that I'm going to yoga later. Oh and that I'm making some of that amazing homemade raspberry chia seed lemonade. It's fantastic and you should try it. (You know you want to. Why, you ask? Because chia seeds are nature's super food. Fancy little seeds that have no taste, are rich in Omega 3's, help keep you hydrated and have tons of fiber.) You can read more about them here: Wellness Mama and here
We invested in one of those hand juicer things and I am entirely way more excited than I should be about it. I know you're probably thinking "Jeez, get with the program...we all have fancy electric juicers that also weave baskets underwater." I said I was a fairly simple person. I made homemade orange juice for my husband yesterday. It was perfection in a jar. A jar, you may ask...yes well. I happen to save all my jars because I feel guilty throwing them out. My super awesome neighbor also went above and beyond and bought me a bag of lemons so I can make said lemonade! How sweet is that?! I know, right? She's pretty legit. I think this time around, I may make blueberry lemonade. The possibilities are endless!
Another thing I'm pretty ridiculously excited about is I finally bought a hardback copy of Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfillippo. I bought the book for my Nook and it's great, but there are a lot of bullets, charts and things of that nature that don't transfer too well to an e-book. It will be here in two weeks! Until that time, I visited the library and stocked up on eye and brain candy. Seriously, the Dewey Decimal System brings a huge smile to my face. I remember learning about it when I was in grade school and thinking to myself "This is awesome." I got my kicks out of looking for things in a card catalog and writing down the numbers. Ah, the good old days.
Lately I've been reading a lot of books about the food industry, food in general and the effects it has on your body. My most recent read is Sugar Salt Fat by Michael Moss. It's about the food industry and they way they make their products to leave us wanting more. (Hello Spaghettio addiction) It's eye opening, mind boggling and it's definitely helping me think twice about I've been putting in my body.
I also checked out a book by Michael Pollan called In Defense Of Food - An Eater's Manifesto because well, I'm an eater. I love food (clearly) and I think it's important that I start treating my body the way it should be treated. I'll probably write a review of it after I'm finished, in case anyone was interested. And if not, well you can skip that entry :)
Well, I'm off to go lift heavy things (hopefully).
Riley Writes
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