Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The not so paleo and lazy Riley (Ahem, me)

Simultaneously writing two blog posts, attempting to clean the house and Facebooking?  Call me Capt. Multitasker.  Okay, don't call me that because it isn't true.  Except I am doing all of the above....kind of.  Whatever.  I think it would make it all tolerable if I filled that fishbowl I call a wine glass with champagne however, I believe it's a little early for that.  Depending on what part of the world you're in.

There is a lot going on in my kitchen at the moment.  Because in the time it took me to write that first paragraph and start two other blog post drafts on top of the two already going....I managed to finish the dishes and start making some sweet potato chips (recipe at the bottom if you read that far).  If you haven't noticed recently, I haven't really blogged about food or Crossfit.  Well (insert sad face), that's because we haven't been going and haven't been eating paleo.  "*Gasp!*  You what?!?  But that's all you talk about!  How could you?"

Well, let me explain.  This past month and a half, I have been feeling severely under the weather.  I get headaches a lot and have been feeling extremely worn down to the point it was taking me two-three days to recover from a semi difficult workout.  It was worse than usual and it was getting to the point I couldn't handle it.  I would come home exhausted and immediately get a headache.  The headache would last for two to three days so naturally, I had no desire to go back to the gym or make dinner so we would eat out a lot.  Especially since Zach wasn't getting home til late either.  Being tired and having headaches is something that I'm not a stranger to so I didn't think much of it.  It's been going on since high school.  I went to the doctors for girly crap and he asked if there was anything else I needed.  I mentioned that since thyroid issues run in my family (all the women on my mother's side) and I wouldn't mind being checked out for that if I could.

Long story short, does anyone have a can opener because I need a can of worms opened?

Then I came down with a headache that lasted five days, semi ruining the fun weekend we had ahead of us.  It didn't completely ruin it because I powered through but let me tell you was horrible.  I took enough pills to overdose a small child and nothing worked.  Hot bath, heating pad, cold pack, sleep, lots of water, Tylenol, Advil, Tylenol PM,  Ibuprofen, Motrin, Bayer name it, nothing worked.  At best, the pain subsided to a dull ache instead of feeling like the side of my face was in a vice grip being tightened by the second.

When the doctor called to confirm what I had already known for a while (my thyroid is all jacked up) so they put me on thyroid medication, I told him about my headaches and that I needed to get in as soon as possible.  Met with the doctor and he suspected migraines even though the headaches were nothing like the migraines I used to get (think being completely keeled over in pain and avoiding bright lights like a vampire because the sunlight hurts your eyeballs and you can't keep food or water down).  He prescribed me a daily pill to help out with the migraines and a headache pill just in case I come down with a doozy.  He said if they were in fact migraines, I shouldn't be having them taking these pills but if they were regular headaches, these pills would do nothing.  I guess he knows what he's talking about.

I am happy to report that I don't always need a nap in the middle of the day and I haven't had a headache (apparent migraine) since.  I still like to take naps though.  The thyroid medicine says it takes a few weeks for it to actually take effect.  Zach says he's married to a different person...but a good person, one that he likes because she smiles a lot.  Not the person he's married to when it's that time of the month....he doesn't like her all that much.

With this fabulous new news, I now have the energy to do crap!  Like spend a day cooking in the kitchen.  So today, because the commissary finally had sweet potatoes, I am making sweet potato chips because they are delicious and paleo.  Prepare yo'selves for an influx of recipes starting with this one!

Sweet Potato Chips
What you will need:
Sweet Potatoes
Coconut or Olive Oil

Peel those awkward veggies if you so choose. 
Slice those biatches up to desired thickness.
Preheat oven to 250-375.  I prefer 250 but it takes longer.  Who cares?  I don't have a job!
Add oil and cinnamon to slices. Throw that junk in a bowl and toss to coat.
Lay it out on a cookie sheet like a boss! 
Put that crap in the oven and do other stuff because you're a mofo-in multi-tasker.

Turn them over when they start to brown, pull them out when they're crispy.

You. Are. Welcome.

Riley Writes

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