Saturday, October 20, 2012

Boonie Stomping/ Reasons why I like it indoors.

Today was quite the adventure!  My wonderful husband, two pups, our favorite couple, their dog and I went on a hike.  It was the first time for our little family and like all virgins, I wasn't sure what to expect.  Luckily for us, we were able to meet up with our friends at the store who said "Make sure to bring some gloves, you're gonna need em'."  If that wasn't a terrifying thought, the only other two things I could concentrate on were "Hannah for the love of God, behave yourself and do not jump out of the truck,"  and "What in the ever loving big man in the sky am I going to do if I run into a tree snake?  I will not cry, I will not cry, I will not cry."

I was a little hesitant to let Hannah the asshole escape artist (she managed to unhook herself from the carabiners that kept her in the back of the truck and almost jump our at 40 mph) run around without her leash on but she proved to be the model citizen.  She stuck by us and whenever she ran ahead, she made sure to wait and look back at us until we got close, then took off again.  All Henry was concerned with was hanging out and keeping up with his buddy Helo the Husky.  I was impressed with how well behaved they were.  Not that I didn't think they were well behaved, because they're my kids and I like them.  I like them more when they're quiet and listening though.

We walked through a grass clearing where there were hundreds of dragon flies just fluttering around enjoying the scenery.  We walked through red mud and the pups couldn't have been more excited.  Henry, Hannah and I are rather spoiled, we don't spend too much time outside because it's so damn hot all of the time.  None of us are used to the weather and since they have been adopted and no longer have to sleep in a hard cement kennel in the heat, they don't really go outside unless it's to the dog park or to do their business. The first puddle we came across, Henry laid down and didn't want to budge.  That was just in the first 15 minutes.  After we made it through the "treacherous terrain"  (read: the easy stuff), we had to walk through 1/4-1/2 mile in razor grass.  This is where our gloves came in!  Hannah and Henry were in heaven!  Running around, acting like monkeys.  I wish I could say the same for us.  Lots of scratches on bare skin but the gloves made it easier to push it aside without tearing our precious skin.

The hike to the river itself was approximately 2.4 miles.  The terrain varied vastly but it was enjoyable. We had to use a rope to repel down to the actual river itself but it was worth it.  I was a little scared for the furry ones but they didn't seem to mind.  We stopped at a few swimming holes that were at most up to our necks. Supposedly there was an awesome swimming hole down a quarter of a mile and then up stream where the two rivers converged.  We took the pups upstream while the boys hid our backpacks.  Zach brought his new camera so we could take some awesome pictures but there was a small SD card malfunction for the first half of the hike.

We hiked up several waterfalls to the big kahuna where all of us took turns swinging off the rope swing and the dogs (mainly Hannah who found out she LOVES to jump off the rocks and into the water) swam and swam.  Most of the time swimming for me was spent lifting heavy puppies up.  They would jump in and enjoy the jump and immediately turn into "OH MY GOD MOM I CAAAAAN'T TOUUUUUCH, I CAN'T TOUCH! PLEASE SAVE ME!  Wait...I can kinda touch here.  I think I'll be okaaaa...OH GOD I CAN'T TOUCH AGAIN!!!!  MOM I'M DROWNING!!!!  Wait, I see those rocks.  I can touch tou...OH SWEET BABY JESUS I CAN'T TOUCH, REPEAT, CAN'T TOUCH THE BOTTOM!!!!"

Then they would both clobber me at the same time where I couldn't touch and I have scratches all over my body to prove it.  And cuts on my shins from the razor grass.  And a few scrapes from falling here and there because let's face it, I'm like a bull in a China shop.  Nothing dainty about me.  

I found the hike back less tolerable that the hike to.  I felt like I was going to keel over and die.  At one point  while climbing back up the ravine, I lost my footing and had it not been for the rope and the gloves, I would have fallen down.  Zach said "Babe, use that upper body strength!  You haven't been doing pull-ups for nothing."  If you read my previous post, you'll know that we haven't been to the gym as much lately and the only heavy lifting I do trying to decide how many champagne bottles I can hold without dropping them and making a fool of myself.

All in all, we did about 6 miles round trip, including the hike up the waterfalls to the final visit.  I have decided that I may need to start doing shorter hikes to get me to work up to these "long" ones.  Poor Hannah was so tuckered, she found a small ledge on the way back and tried to sleep there.  Henry was nowhere to be seen hanging out with Helo the whole time.  Hannah would wait for me to make sure I was still around and then run like the wind to catch up with the boys.  They are currently all dirty and snuggled in their beds, they're too tired to take a bath :)  I also saw my very first brown tree snake!  Luckily for me, it was dead and on the last quarter mile of the hike.  I would have cried if it had been alive.    Enjoy some pictures and more laughs at my expense.

Riley Writes

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