Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why shouldn't you be happy?

Once upon a time ago, I was dating a man who's father was an extremely prominent (in the legal system) in a very large city.  I won't name names for anonymity reasons.  Anyways, this guy brought his father into the bar I worked at one night so his dad could "finally meet the girl he'd heard so much about."  I'll never forget the conversation we had.

"So Rachele, what do you plan on doing with the rest of your life?  I know you don't plan on working at a bar forever.  You will never get far if that's what you want to do."

"I have no idea.  I like working at a bar, it makes me happy.  I get to meet new people all of the time, mostly everyone is happy when they drink and I get to hear all sorts of live and up and coming bands.  I don't see what's so bad about it and it makes me happy for the time being.  If I'm happy, why do I need to change what I'm doing?"

"Well happiness won't put a roof over your head or pay for your retirement.  How do you expect to make a living, being happy?"

I was mortified that he would say such a thing to someone he just met.  I stood my ground and knew I wasn't born with a silver spoon stuck up my ass.  I worked as hard as the next guy and deserved just as much as he did.  The fact of the matter is that while I may not have been able to vacation all over the world or go to the "Catalina Ducking Wine Mixer" but I was raised with a strong work ethic, good morals and an appreciation for the small things.

A few weeks ago, I asked my mother if her expectations of me were close to what she thought they were.  She said that she always knew I was going to do what makes me happy and to (expletive for intercourse) the rest.    

She isn't wrong (she hardly ever is, she's a mom).  I may not have the biggest goals, be extremely ambitious or want to takeover the world but what I am counts for 129845x that.  I'm happy.  I go to bed knowing that I'm a good person, use common sense and try to treat people as I want to be treated because I was raised that way.

That same guy once told me "I own a couple houses, a boat, a motorcycle, a car and I do (won't say for anonymity purposes). I'm going back to school for my masters in (I forget because it was in something that has a long word).  Why wouldn't you want to date a guy like me?"  I responded with "Well I hope all that keeps you warm at night because with an attitude like that, you're going to be single for the rest of your life."

That was just a snippet of the many arguments we had over the same thing.  I may not have been raised with a silver spoon in my mouth (it may have been a spork for all I know), but I was most definitely raised to value things like love, hard work, family, friends and respect.  After all, aren't those the foundations for prosperity?

Riley Writes

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Why Don't People Come With A Warning Label?

Well now, I made it to over 1,000 views!  Woohoo!  Thank you.  Except no one sent me their address so I take it no one wanted anything cool from Guam?  It's okay, your loss.  Not my fault that you didn't want a coconut postcard sent to your home address.  Don't be all whining because you think I don't care,  I do care, this is tough love.

In today's world, you have to be careful of the things you consume, have around you or come into contact with.  It's unfortunate but everything affects your health in one way or another.  Good or bad.  It can affect your body, your psyche and your overall humanity.  I believe the same goes for people.  There are all sorts of people in our day to day life.  There are amazing people that always have inspiring things to say, help you along your journey and teach you many new things.  On the flip side of the coin, there are people who are toxic, poisoning your well of happiness and good thoughts.  They bring you down to their level and make it so you are equally as depressed and toxic as they are.  They key is spotting them, which isn't always easy.

And this is why people should come with a warning label.

They don't though.  This is where you need to be able to learn the signs of having a toxic person in your life.  I used to have tons of them and had no idea how to filter them out.  I would spend 15 minutes with these people, my heart would be heavy and my emotional batteries drained.  I felt like I could sleep for days because I was riddled with other people's constant problems and issues.  I would make these issues my own and try to fix everyone but it just became too much.

After a breakdown of epic proportions after hearing a friend's mother had been diagnosed with a severe and aggressive form of cancer, I decided it was time to seek professional help.  I thought that there were a lot of emotions dealing with things of that nature that I hadn't yet dealt with.  I felt like my whole life was collapsing and I wouldn't be happy until I worked through my past.

Turns out, it wasn't so much my past but my present that needed to be worked on.  I took the initiative, looked up a counselor and the first session, she said a few simple words that have forever altered my life.

"Maybe your breakdown is actually a breakthrough."

Simple concept right?  It just took a complete stranger to bring it to my attention.  After years of being the friend/girlfriend/co-worker who undertook everyone's misfortunes, I had accumulated a decent amount of these toxic people in my daily life and I was tired.  Tired of being the one that people would call in the middle of the night knowing full well that the action wouldn't be reciprocated.  I was emotionally drained, naive and exhausted.

Every week after seeing my counselor, I would leave sobbing and call my mother to discuss what I had learned.  I was purging all that bad juju from my life and even though my face was ugly from crying, I always felt like the concrete had been lifted from my shoulders.  I started looking at things in a new light.  I knew I had to make some changes and I had to make them fast because obviously what I was doing hadn't been working.  Then a certain someone showed up at the bar I worked at, all in his party shirt, ordering my favorite beer and made me all googly eyed and mushy.  I had no qualms in telling him "Hey, I'm a nutcase and I see a counselor once a week.  Are you okay with this because if you're not, you probably shouldn't hang around me because I'm crazy.  No, seriously.  I talk to myself and sometimes I answer."

He was okay with it and pretty soon, he was texting me after my appointments, asking how I was feeling, if I was okay and if I felt up to going on a date.   (Ahem, apparently he likes the crazies because he married me.)  I don't see the counselor anymore and I have cleansed the majority of those toxic people out.  Sometimes I forget what it's like to be around draining and toxic people....then one of them pops out of the wood works and is all "Oh hey, did you forget about being emotionally drained? Let me remind you and make you feel like shit because my life sucks."

Then I remember what it's like.  Then I also remember the super awesome support system I have in place to help me protect my sanity, to remind me that I don't have to have these types of people in my life and to also make it known that it's a privilege to have me as a sidekick and not an entitlement because I used to be there.  Any kind of relationship is a two way street.  There has to be give and take.  If someone is in your life that only likes the one way street, put that junk out in the street for trash day.  You're worth more than that.

Riley Writes.

P.S  One of my most favorite things to remember and it always gets me by when these toxic people come a' knockin' on my door....their life sucks because of the choices that they made....not the ones you made.  Don't let them make you feel bad.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Boonie Stomping/ Reasons why I like it indoors.

Today was quite the adventure!  My wonderful husband, two pups, our favorite couple, their dog and I went on a hike.  It was the first time for our little family and like all virgins, I wasn't sure what to expect.  Luckily for us, we were able to meet up with our friends at the store who said "Make sure to bring some gloves, you're gonna need em'."  If that wasn't a terrifying thought, the only other two things I could concentrate on were "Hannah for the love of God, behave yourself and do not jump out of the truck,"  and "What in the ever loving big man in the sky am I going to do if I run into a tree snake?  I will not cry, I will not cry, I will not cry."

I was a little hesitant to let Hannah the asshole escape artist (she managed to unhook herself from the carabiners that kept her in the back of the truck and almost jump our at 40 mph) run around without her leash on but she proved to be the model citizen.  She stuck by us and whenever she ran ahead, she made sure to wait and look back at us until we got close, then took off again.  All Henry was concerned with was hanging out and keeping up with his buddy Helo the Husky.  I was impressed with how well behaved they were.  Not that I didn't think they were well behaved, because they're my kids and I like them.  I like them more when they're quiet and listening though.

We walked through a grass clearing where there were hundreds of dragon flies just fluttering around enjoying the scenery.  We walked through red mud and the pups couldn't have been more excited.  Henry, Hannah and I are rather spoiled, we don't spend too much time outside because it's so damn hot all of the time.  None of us are used to the weather and since they have been adopted and no longer have to sleep in a hard cement kennel in the heat, they don't really go outside unless it's to the dog park or to do their business. The first puddle we came across, Henry laid down and didn't want to budge.  That was just in the first 15 minutes.  After we made it through the "treacherous terrain"  (read: the easy stuff), we had to walk through 1/4-1/2 mile in razor grass.  This is where our gloves came in!  Hannah and Henry were in heaven!  Running around, acting like monkeys.  I wish I could say the same for us.  Lots of scratches on bare skin but the gloves made it easier to push it aside without tearing our precious skin.

The hike to the river itself was approximately 2.4 miles.  The terrain varied vastly but it was enjoyable. We had to use a rope to repel down to the actual river itself but it was worth it.  I was a little scared for the furry ones but they didn't seem to mind.  We stopped at a few swimming holes that were at most up to our necks. Supposedly there was an awesome swimming hole down a quarter of a mile and then up stream where the two rivers converged.  We took the pups upstream while the boys hid our backpacks.  Zach brought his new camera so we could take some awesome pictures but there was a small SD card malfunction for the first half of the hike.

We hiked up several waterfalls to the big kahuna where all of us took turns swinging off the rope swing and the dogs (mainly Hannah who found out she LOVES to jump off the rocks and into the water) swam and swam.  Most of the time swimming for me was spent lifting heavy puppies up.  They would jump in and enjoy the jump and immediately turn into "OH MY GOD MOM I CAAAAAN'T TOUUUUUCH, I CAN'T TOUCH! PLEASE SAVE ME!  Wait...I can kinda touch here.  I think I'll be okaaaa...OH GOD I CAN'T TOUCH AGAIN!!!!  MOM I'M DROWNING!!!!  Wait, I see those rocks.  I can touch tou...OH SWEET BABY JESUS I CAN'T TOUCH, REPEAT, CAN'T TOUCH THE BOTTOM!!!!"

Then they would both clobber me at the same time where I couldn't touch and I have scratches all over my body to prove it.  And cuts on my shins from the razor grass.  And a few scrapes from falling here and there because let's face it, I'm like a bull in a China shop.  Nothing dainty about me.  

I found the hike back less tolerable that the hike to.  I felt like I was going to keel over and die.  At one point  while climbing back up the ravine, I lost my footing and had it not been for the rope and the gloves, I would have fallen down.  Zach said "Babe, use that upper body strength!  You haven't been doing pull-ups for nothing."  If you read my previous post, you'll know that we haven't been to the gym as much lately and the only heavy lifting I do trying to decide how many champagne bottles I can hold without dropping them and making a fool of myself.

All in all, we did about 6 miles round trip, including the hike up the waterfalls to the final visit.  I have decided that I may need to start doing shorter hikes to get me to work up to these "long" ones.  Poor Hannah was so tuckered, she found a small ledge on the way back and tried to sleep there.  Henry was nowhere to be seen hanging out with Helo the whole time.  Hannah would wait for me to make sure I was still around and then run like the wind to catch up with the boys.  They are currently all dirty and snuggled in their beds, they're too tired to take a bath :)  I also saw my very first brown tree snake!  Luckily for me, it was dead and on the last quarter mile of the hike.  I would have cried if it had been alive.    Enjoy some pictures and more laughs at my expense.

Riley Writes

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Just call me Snaggletooth Tiger

As I was laying in bed unable to sleep, I caught myself thinking about braces.  For the most part, my teeth are pretty straight and even though I have put them through hell and back, they are all still in my face and in relatively good condition.

Except for my snaggletooth.

Spell check is telling me that snaggletooth isn't spelled correctly but maybe when it's one word instead of two, it's more offensive?  I don't know.  Anyways, you're probably thinking "But Rachele, I have never noticed your snaggletooth?"  Right.  Well, neither do I until I do a lot of smiling, even though I know it's there.

Maybe it isn't even a real snaggletooth but calling it that makes me laugh so I will proceed.

You know what it looks like when a dog get's their lip flipped up and doesn't notice?  They just sit there, smiling and oblivious.  Then you start laughing hysterically because they don't have a care in the world.   Not saying it's happened to me but....okay, it's happened.  When I smile a lot, my teeth get dry and then my lip gets caught on my tooth.  It's embarrassing but it's funny too.  I normally catch it before (I think) anyone notices but then it sends me into a fit of giggles and it inevitably happens again. It isn't even uncomfortable.  I, like a dog, very rarely notice.   I look so ridiculous but I think that I wouldn't get braces because then I would miss telling people about what happens when I smile a lot (which is almost all of the time).

I'm one of those "Embrace Your Flaws" kinda gal.  I have a lot of them but they make me my own special person and I'm pretty okay with that.  Hell, it makes me like myself even more because I know it makes me different and I love to be different.

What's your favorite flaw?

Riley Writes

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The not so paleo and lazy Riley (Ahem, me)

Simultaneously writing two blog posts, attempting to clean the house and Facebooking?  Call me Capt. Multitasker.  Okay, don't call me that because it isn't true.  Except I am doing all of the above....kind of.  Whatever.  I think it would make it all tolerable if I filled that fishbowl I call a wine glass with champagne however, I believe it's a little early for that.  Depending on what part of the world you're in.

There is a lot going on in my kitchen at the moment.  Because in the time it took me to write that first paragraph and start two other blog post drafts on top of the two already going....I managed to finish the dishes and start making some sweet potato chips (recipe at the bottom if you read that far).  If you haven't noticed recently, I haven't really blogged about food or Crossfit.  Well (insert sad face), that's because we haven't been going and haven't been eating paleo.  "*Gasp!*  You what?!?  But that's all you talk about!  How could you?"

Well, let me explain.  This past month and a half, I have been feeling severely under the weather.  I get headaches a lot and have been feeling extremely worn down to the point it was taking me two-three days to recover from a semi difficult workout.  It was worse than usual and it was getting to the point I couldn't handle it.  I would come home exhausted and immediately get a headache.  The headache would last for two to three days so naturally, I had no desire to go back to the gym or make dinner so we would eat out a lot.  Especially since Zach wasn't getting home til late either.  Being tired and having headaches is something that I'm not a stranger to so I didn't think much of it.  It's been going on since high school.  I went to the doctors for girly crap and he asked if there was anything else I needed.  I mentioned that since thyroid issues run in my family (all the women on my mother's side) and I wouldn't mind being checked out for that if I could.

Long story short, does anyone have a can opener because I need a can of worms opened?

Then I came down with a headache that lasted five days, semi ruining the fun weekend we had ahead of us.  It didn't completely ruin it because I powered through but let me tell you was horrible.  I took enough pills to overdose a small child and nothing worked.  Hot bath, heating pad, cold pack, sleep, lots of water, Tylenol, Advil, Tylenol PM,  Ibuprofen, Motrin, Bayer name it, nothing worked.  At best, the pain subsided to a dull ache instead of feeling like the side of my face was in a vice grip being tightened by the second.

When the doctor called to confirm what I had already known for a while (my thyroid is all jacked up) so they put me on thyroid medication, I told him about my headaches and that I needed to get in as soon as possible.  Met with the doctor and he suspected migraines even though the headaches were nothing like the migraines I used to get (think being completely keeled over in pain and avoiding bright lights like a vampire because the sunlight hurts your eyeballs and you can't keep food or water down).  He prescribed me a daily pill to help out with the migraines and a headache pill just in case I come down with a doozy.  He said if they were in fact migraines, I shouldn't be having them taking these pills but if they were regular headaches, these pills would do nothing.  I guess he knows what he's talking about.

I am happy to report that I don't always need a nap in the middle of the day and I haven't had a headache (apparent migraine) since.  I still like to take naps though.  The thyroid medicine says it takes a few weeks for it to actually take effect.  Zach says he's married to a different person...but a good person, one that he likes because she smiles a lot.  Not the person he's married to when it's that time of the month....he doesn't like her all that much.

With this fabulous new news, I now have the energy to do crap!  Like spend a day cooking in the kitchen.  So today, because the commissary finally had sweet potatoes, I am making sweet potato chips because they are delicious and paleo.  Prepare yo'selves for an influx of recipes starting with this one!

Sweet Potato Chips
What you will need:
Sweet Potatoes
Coconut or Olive Oil

Peel those awkward veggies if you so choose. 
Slice those biatches up to desired thickness.
Preheat oven to 250-375.  I prefer 250 but it takes longer.  Who cares?  I don't have a job!
Add oil and cinnamon to slices. Throw that junk in a bowl and toss to coat.
Lay it out on a cookie sheet like a boss! 
Put that crap in the oven and do other stuff because you're a mofo-in multi-tasker.

Turn them over when they start to brown, pull them out when they're crispy.

You. Are. Welcome.

Riley Writes

Monday, October 15, 2012

A special thanks and some updates

So I started a post like two weeks ago thanking y'all for almost a thousand page views.  Today....I'm at zero.  Not sure how that happened so here's my dilemma, do I thank you or pretend this never happened?

I believe I would like to thank anyone and everyone who has read this blog at any given point in time even though I more than likely force fed it to you via Facebook.  It means a lot to me that someone would take time to read what I write and I appreciate it. I was going to do some sort of giveaway thing like other people do on their blogs for a certain amount of followers/views buuut I think I weaseled my way out of that one.

Sincerely, I mean it.  Thank you.  I love to write and it gives me warm fuzzies to know that some one likes to read it.  It gives me motive to write more and work towards my ultimate goal of writing a book.  I appreciate you!

Now onto the good stuff!  I know it's been forever since I've actually posted something and it's been for a good reason.  I gave up blogging for Lent.  Maybe that isn't exactly true because I'm not Catholic.  Also, it isn't Lent.  We have been super ridiculously busy.  Every weekend for the past few weeks and even during the week, we have had stuff going on and let me tell you what, when I wasn't showing the water park my lady lumps or having a nasty headache, I was in bed sleeping.

This weekend it was the Navy Ball, last weekend it was the water park and I forget what else because I'm like a goldfish with a small attention span.  Oh yeah, it was my friend's birthday!  We hung out downtown at a fancy little bar I'm in love with where someone recognized my Chive shirt!  That Monday, the clinic that Zach works at paid for all of us to go to the water park and have a nice lunch.  I would be the one to flash Zach's coworkers, get a bloody nose from face planting the water so hard I was disoriented and  get so much water up every orifice I couldn't tell if I was coming or going.  I was sure we were going to have to remove my bikini bottoms from my rear with some sort of surgical procedure because they were jammed up there in no man's land so far I thought if I coughed....I may be able to procure them through my mouth.  That would have been one hell of a parlor trick.  But seriously?  Who does that?  Who gets injured multiple times at a water park?  I have the worst luck when it comes to that kind of thing.  It never fails.  I can think of at least 7 instances where something bad happened to me while enjoying parks of the water persuasion.

The Navy Ball was grand!  We got a hotel room on the beach in a hotel that was nice. Upon arrival, we were greeted by the smell of Chinese food and old people.  Which was extremely pleasant if you like Chinese food and geriatric homes.  Our room was nice, needing to be updated and the light switches were a little difficult to figure out.  Light switches everywhere turning on random lights and appliances! The view was pretty breathtaking which was to be expected....what was not expected was the brown smears next to the bed.  It looked like poo.  Or the construction that was taking place at 7 a.m both mornings which of course, Zach slept through.  I believe next time, we'll spring for the Hilton.

It was however, wonderful to hang out with my husband without any interruptions.  We went on a date at the fancy TGI Fridays and shared some cocktails then watched the waves crash over the beach and lightening light up the sky at The Beach Bar.  Of course while sharing more cocktails because we didn't have to drive.  It was great...even the hour and a half we spent talking about how much we missed our dear furry assholes.  Wait...what?  Don't be gross, I was talking about our dogs.

Anyways, so I'm sure this week I will have more antics to report, especially since my new thyroid medicine and beta blockers are working.  Haven't had a headache and I have noticed an increase albeit small, an increase none the less, in energy.  Happy camper!  :)

Riley Writes

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Just some links and some stories, my favorite things!

Since this is my blog and it's dedicated to sharing my wins, fails, weirdness, oddities and endearing qualities for all to know, I have decided to share a few of my all time favorite things.

The inspiration for this post today was brought upon by finally receiving my Post Secret and Other People's Love Letters books!  Ever since I was a young girl, I have always been curious in other peoples' stories.  I often wonder what makes them tick or why they do certain things.  When I meet someone, I often am fascinated by what their lives were like, are like and what secrets they hold because it shapes them in one way or another. I don't ask because that's impolite but I consider myself the luckiest person in the world if someone decides to share.  Part of sharing secrets is the bond and trust you develop with one another.  But be wary with whom you share with....not everyone sees these as priceless mementos and tokens of a relationship.

I don't remember when I first discovered Post Secret but I have been obsessed ever since.  It started out as an art project.  A man by the name of Frank Warren handed out blank post cards with simple instructions to creatively share a secret with a return address to his personal place of residence.  It took off and every since Sunday he posts a small collection of secrets that were sent into him.  Every Saturday night (meaning the early hours of 4-6 a.m Sunday morning) when I would come home from work, it didn't matter how utterly exhausted I was, I would check Post Secret Sunday.  I knew it would be there in the mornings but I had a compulsion to check because it brought me so much joy. The secrets could be from any one of us.  Your neighbor, your mother....even your significant other and you wouldn't even know. That's the beauty of them.  It makes you feel less alone and unites us in the fact that we all have our secrets.  

Dear Old Love by Andy Selsberg came to me as a recommendation from Amazon.  It was only 5 or 6 bucks and it had high ratings so I decided to give it a go.  I didn't realize it would change the way I have viewed every relationship I have ever had.  Everyone has that one thing they would like to say to someone they used to love.  After reading the book, I felt like weight was lifted off of my shoulders.  I knew I wasn't alone in feeling saddened by the loss of my relationship.  It made me feel better in knowing that someone else out there was feeling like it wasn't over because certain things were left unsaid.  I have never personally submitted to Dear Old Love but if I did...I would say  "I detest everything you are, everything about you. You're a selfish asshole and I hope you break your arm in a few different places.  But thank you for treating me like shit because I now know what it's like to be loved and appreciated by a real man."  

Back when in my administrative days (before I realized I was better at telling people to eff off than being at beck and call), I was fortunate enough to finish my workload within the first 2-3 hours of work on most days.  That's a lot of hours with not enough fingers to count, left for various things..  That left me with ample time to scour the ends of the interwebs and stumble upon my oldest and favorite gem Found Magazine.  Maybe this is where the obsession started.  Found Magazine is a plethora of items found in various places.  Love notes, photos, grocery lists and everything else on this site was once previously loved, cared for, purposely tossed aside, accidentally forgotten or just plain ignored and then found by some unsuspecting person. So many intriguing things, I would read until I felt my eyes were bleeding.  I even found a book list that I was so curious about, I printed it and set out to read every book on the list.  I read most of them and still have the list around somewhere.  I can't bring myself to throw it away because it's unfinished and even when it is finished, will I want to throw it out?  It's odd that such a small thing made such a profound impact on my life.  

I have been nose deep in Post Secret all night so I haven't read Other People's Love Letters.  It's like Christmas, knowing that I have all day tomorrow during this upcoming storm to soak it all in.  

It's so astonishing that seemingly simple ideas have established a revolution.  Then again, that's how most revolutions start, don't they?  The men, women and people who had the courage to submit to the aforementioned websites and books have brought people from all over the world, together by encouraging them to share bits and pieces of their lives.  It proves that there is someone out there, who understands and makes you realize that you are not alone.  It's an invisible support system for you to lean on and learn from.  

I can only dream of one day starting such a revolution that helps millions....even if it's a small gesture as asking for a secret or paying someone a compliment.

That's all.
Riley Writes