Monday, April 29, 2013

You're so sweet, potato.

Thou art sweet, like a sweet potato treat. 

Three guesses on what this post is about.  I'll give you a cookie...or a sweet potato "brownie" if you get it right.  

Okay, well I'm sure that wasn't too difficult.  Anyways, let's talk about sweet potatoes!  I have never really liked them.  Candied yams at Thanksgiving?  No thanks.  My love affair with sweet potatoes actually started with my dog having terrible gas.  I know, gross.  In an effort to soothe the savage beast's disgusting rear end, I had to tackle the grains in his diet.  After reading a ton of stuff about how dog's have an issue processing grains and how most dog foods have grain by-products and fillers (It's funny because humans are the same way), I was kind of disgusted and upset that I was unknowingly feeding my babies foods that upset their tummies. 

Long story short, I decided to start making sweet potato treats for them instead of the treats that made it smell as if something had died in our house.  As the smells of baking sweet potato chips wafted through the house, I couldn't help but be curious why they went so crazy for them.  They would literally sit in the kitchen waiting for me to pull them out of the oven.  (Then again, my dogs are weird....they dig fruits and veggies more than the store bought treats. Did I mention they're weird?)

So after snacking on a couple (the whole tray), I finally realized what I had been missing! I couldn't stop myself.  They were the best thing ever.  Fast forward to now when I am personally tackling the grains in my diet!  I find that when I eat healthier, I start to crave healthy things.  I shop around the perimeter of the grocery store to prevent buying things loaded with crap.  I can't say that it doesn't mean I never buy crap....but I try to avoid it as often as possible.  Sweet potatoes are amazing because they are interchangeable with regular potatoes and if you eat paleo of sorts, you should know that regular potatoes are a no-no.

Anyways, the whole point of this blog entry is to share the super amazing, clean eating paleo sweet potato "brownies" I made last night.  Obviously they had to be good if I'm taking time out of my busy schedule to blog about them.

Whipped out the Ninja - boom!  Sweet potato brownies.  Obviously, I should point that they weren't actually brownies...because that is NOT paleo.  The texture was a tad different and if I would have kept them in the oven longer, I'm sure they would have hardened up a bit more but I liked them just the same.  I found the recipe on good ol'  Pinterest.  It's super easy and light which makes you feel less guilty about eating it as a treat.  I didn't have dark chocolate however so I added regular chocolate chips which makes this semi-paleo but obviously it's at your discretion. 

  • 1 sweet potato
  • 3 eggs, whisked
  • ¼ cup Coconut Oil, melted
  • ⅓ cup raw honey
  • ½ cup dark chocolate chips
  • 3 tablespoons coconut flour
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • ¼ teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
  • pinch of salt

Make sure to boil your sweet potato so it's easier to mash.  Add all of your wet ingredients, blend...add the dry stuff, blend again. Bake that shit at 350 for 35 minutes or so and pull it out.  Let it cool off until it's cooled off  enough to not scorch the roof of your mouth or until it's cold.  Personal preference.  I liked it warm.  Enjoy your guiltless treat!

Also, enjoy reading about the health benefits of sweet potatoes here and here.  It'll make you feel even less guilty after clicking the links and reading!

Happy eating!
Riley Writes.

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