Two months....ewww. That's the last time I posted. And I think in that last post, I said something along the lines of "It won't be this long the next time I write." Gosh, I'm such a liar. By the way, did I mention those pants look fabulous on you? *Snickering.* Okay, actually, they probably do look good or else I'd see you on People Of Walmart. Just let me have this small joke.
I had a revelation a few months back. I wanted to share my knowledge and insight about thing I was learning in hopes that others would like to learn along with me.
Back when I was still writing on the confoundidt contraption of a blog, I was being extremely and incredibly healthy, eating lots of Paleo meals and just being all around awesome by going to the gym more. I felt awesome, was taking my thyroid pills and constantly pushing myself for new PRs (personal records) which I was totally attaining. Then I thought I was pregnant...but I wasn't (obviously) and I got off track. I was upset, with a small side of depression and anger that my body isn't working like it should.
I let my small "setback" undo everything I was working towards. I just kinda....gave up on myself. I didn't care if I felt crummy after eating all that pasta and I sure as hell didn't want to go to the gym. I lost weight and was excited to see the numbers go down...but it wasn't fat, it was just all that awesome muscle that lets me back squat 110, deteriorating. (I know, nice PR drop...Hey, I'm proud!)
Yesterday, I finally went after a month and a half of not doing anything, making excuses and such. I pulled a muscle while trying to do something I was easily doing prior to my sabbatical of self pity. It was completely my fault, my pride got in the way of my body saying "No!" and I spent the rest of my evening complaining to my amazing husband who didn't once complain about me complaining.
So a few days ago I started taking my thyroid medicine again and then it hit me like a ton of bricks...instead of focusing on something that may or may not happen (because obviously it's working) < (that was sarcasm)...I decided maybe I should focus more on doing the things I want to and bettering myself. Like school and more Crossfit and *drummmmm rolllllll plllllleaaaaase!*
I'm going to make Semi Paleo Cooking channel on YouTube! Say whaaa? Yup. It has been decided. Except I've never made a video before that wasn't my dogs acting like dumbasses or...ahem...yep, that's it basically. I like to think I'm funny sometimes...and most of the Paleo cooking tutorials are super serious and it's 5-15 minutes of boring talk. Sometimes I learn things though so that's good. But I'm also not super serious and I am also not a good if I can make it edible, you can definitely do it!
I will answer questions, say things like "Should you be in the kitchen? Assholes, out of the kitchen before I make purses out of you! Here is some mo-fo-ing coconut flour I made from my own mo-fo-ing coconut tree, ya dig?" There will also be inappropriate jokes about beating your meat and such. You know, things of that nature. I'll be using recipes from books I've read, Pinterest and blogs I like to follow. I'll only be doing recipes that I've done before or that I have a feeling are going to be good.
So, give me about a month and I promise I'll post my first video. I'll be vigilant! I'm going to get this done!
Riley Writes
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