Sunday, December 23, 2012

Go on, break it again why dontcha?!

I think my heart hurts.  Seriously.  I feel like it's broken a little.

My dogs don't want to snuggle in bed with me.

I think in a previous post I wrote about how they chewed their beds up?  There was fuzz strewn across the house multiple times.  In fact, I threw the beds away three weeks ago and I'm still finding fuzz everywhere after vacuuming a million times.  They both chewed their beds apart on three separate occasions, delicately taking the time to rip every single stitch that I sewed because they both pissed and moaned when they had to sleep on the hard plastic.

Hannah's first night without a bed.  I hardly got any sleep whatsoever.  She cried.  She huffed.  She puffed.  She cried some more.  Then she woke up in the morning as equally tired as I was because I think we both got the same amount of to none.  I felt terrible for her but not bad enough to let her snuggle with us.  She's a bed hog and she always smells.  Her smell permeates everything she touches.  Kinda like in The Lion King when Mufasa says "Everything the light touches in the kingdom is yours."  Everything that Hannah touches has a funk that never seems to go away.  I say that with love, I really do.

After removing the beds, I put blankets in there so they had something sort of soft to sleep on.  They didn't like them but it was better than sleeping without one.  They would go in their kennels reluctantly but jumping on the bed beforehand to see if Mom and Dad would, just this once, let them sleep on the big bed!

"Oh please Mom, pleaseeeee?  We promise not to toot in your face like last time.  And if we do, we'll at least make sure your mouth is shut.  I know how mad you were the last time that happened."

So anyways, my wonderful and loving husband comes home and says he bought the pups new beds!  Hooray!  He brings them in and the puppies are ecstatic,  each one going into their kennels and sniffing, then laying down even though it's only 7 p.m.

Then a couple days ago, the unthinkable happened.  I got home from the pool, let them out of their kennels and laid in bed ready to take a nap (because my life is ridiculously difficult).  Henry jumped on the bed, gave my forehead a big lick because he's super sweet like that, and then jumped off the bed and into his kennel like it was no big deal.  Hannah didn't even jump on the bed.  I tried forcing her to snuggle but all she wanted to do was go back into her kennel.

Zach said "Oh, it's just a phase."  No.  No it isn't.  Now whenever the bedroom door is open and the dogs are missing, they are just a snuggling in their kennels.  DO I NOT DESERVE TO BE LOVED?  Seriously?  What is this Tom Foolery?  I want my puppy snuggles.  I want my Hannah to be the little spoon and Henry to snuggle next to my legs like he does.  I feel like not wanting to snuggle is the ultimate "In yo face" dis and I am not equipped to handle these kinds of heartaches.  I would liken it to not having your child want to give you a goodbye kiss because "Mooooooom, you're embarrassing me in front of my friiiiiiiends.  Can't we just high five?"

Hello, my name is Rachele and my dogs don't like to snuggle in my bed with me.

Riley Writes

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